Flight Secret
the night of October 7, 1965, near the city of Los Angeles, California. The military base at Edwards Air Force which developed top-secret flight gear, has been a code red. Indeed, that night, its air space was violated by not 1 item, but 3 and then finally 7 unidentified flying objects and this for more than 6 hours straight until dawn. Most of the time these objects are seen in one area, but not in respect of them. Indeed, five different bases in the highly militarized regions have also securely identified. The fleet of different databases were then immediately attempted to intercept them. Fortunately
and is one of the few times in the history of UFOs, radars have managed to locate their positions and provide accurate real-time throughout the procedure. Audio chats and intensive patrols multiple that night by American pilots from the U.S. Air Force have been recorded. The Pentagon had been alerted and taking it very seriously, gave authorization to use force and make use of a missile armed with a nuclear warhead in the event of force majeure.
The newspaper's local time, the "Desert Wings" has even made mention in his columns. Telling all the facts without being able to explain the cause and the presence of these mysterious devices that have never been identified. UFO HUNTERS team interested in this case went to the scene to conduct their investigation. Officers and pilots of that era still active for the most part, will testify and help to further clarify this mystery and add further evidence to clear their records.
In addition to his recent statements on Fox News, January 28, this response from Nick Pope on Coast to Coast / AM in 30 minutes detailing what he wanted to express, when he emerged from his reserve to charge the British Government:
- "Pilots of the RAF tried to shoot down UFOs, following a directive top- Secret British government. "
-" We have resorted to radical actions. There was within the MoD a group committed to 'get one of these devices to solve the problem in a or another '. "
-" These cases are highly classified, and nobody is willing to mention them for obvious reasons of security. The country has maintained continuously since the Cold War - and particularly September 11, 2001 - fighter jets ready for takeoff. On several occasions, these fighters were mobilized to intercept the unknown craft that had been spotted on our radars. The same thing happened in other countries. "
There he goes well beyond what he said on Radio Here & Now! in March 2007.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Breast Pump Recommendations
Media and the UFO phenomenon
The media and the phenomenon ovniMais why the media do not it good information on the UFO phenomenon? Conspiracy, ignorance of the seriousness and importance of the topic, concealment or misunderstanding? The answers in this article ...
We all agree that media coverage of the UFO phenomenon is still very bad in France today ... As some of you know, the subject is particularly close to my heart. I myself am an investigative journalist for ten years and an avid fan ufology. So for this reason that I beg to submit this article on "UFOs and the Media." It aims to explain exactly what happens in newsrooms when talking about UFOs. Although this is slowly changing ... First thing to note: There is no conspiracy to hide the truth in the French press! Let us be very clear! So why treat the UFO phenomenon is so bad, ask me some? You'll see ... I'll start by describing briefly a newspaper editorial, that everyone understands how it ... Everything is going up in his big chair, he is the CEO. It's not really him who leads, contrary to what one might think. Even fewer shareholders who are merely financial ... (And not all are from the arms industry, so there see no conspiracy here). Often the CEO is also the managing editor. So he is legally responsible for remarks made in his title ... Then there's an editor. The real boss is the one! Of course, he does everything to stick to the editorial line dictated by the CEO, but it is actually he who wets the shirt ... And finally, at the bottom of the ladder, after a cascade of department heads often unnecessary, there are people in the field: Major reporters, journalists, editors, photographers, freelance writers, correspondents ... Those who fetch the information and the deal! Information can come from anywhere in this hierarchy. An editor can suggest a topic as a journalist or even a secretary ... Obviously, the editor who makes the final decision to publish or not ... And it's always a journalist who investigates the chosen topic. It was he who wrote the article ... UFO : The obstacle course ... we come to the point that interests us. Imagine that witnessed an apparition of UFOs knocks on the door of a major newspaper to tell what he saw. What's going on? Already, he is dealing with the staff of the First Home ... dam! Sometimes, simply return the switchboard witnesses by taking them for real crazy ... It happens, believe me ... But if these people are doing their job, they direct the witness to one of its journalists. Generally, it is the Reporters in charge of the news that gets stuck. You should know that UFOs are the responsibility this topic in almost every newspaper ... Here then undertakes a discussion between the journalist and witness ... Again, if the fact-opinion DIVERSIA a good gear on the issue, he will listen to the witness by hiding a smile mocking. Then he will thank for stopping him while affirming solemnly that "will examine the phenomenon of rare importance with the utmost attention" ... Once outside the witness, the notes taken during the interview go directly to the trash ... I saw it several times ... however, if the reporter thinks it his duty to paper on what the witness says he saw, he will be obliged to refer to his superiors ... That's where the problems really start ... The reporter then goes upstairs and knocks on the door of his editor for inform the testimony. First reaction: "the witness, booze? "... The credibility of the witness is questioned first, if not outright the journalist himself, because of his interest in the thing ... Anyway ... There's also the classic:" For people, UFOs, it's bogus! So it is out of the question to publish it. If we publish it undermines the rest of our news! "By pushing a little, the editor may be willing to publish a few lines ... but just ... Fortunately, some newspaper executives have a little more guts than others ... These people will say," Banco! But it must investigate ... Draws the airfield on the corner, the weather service, the military base, the RG, the police, etc.. "All this, of course, is only to cover themselves ... To believe that a serious investigation was conducted by the Editorial ... In fact, what all newspaper executives have to fear is losing credibility ... So we must shake a little air with the official authorities to buy a conscience ... There, only after exhausting to rush about to screw up, you may publish ... I also remind you that in a newspaper, you do not have two weeks to address this issue. And yes, "there are more important things" ... That's it! If you have a wildfire in a field, a road accident or a murder on our hands at the same time, goodbye ... But a small UFO UFO, what exactly? Here is the most important point in my eyes. Here is where it all happens! And that's where you, the readers, are most concerned ... Let me explain ... If the journalist has never dealt with the phenomenon, which is almost the case every time he goes immediately to research ... Internet! Yep! The first thing he will therefore undertake is to type the four magic letters on Google: "UFO" ... Fortunately, today, the first site that comes up is Wikipedia ... It was not the case my time. I can not tell you the mess ... Anyway ... The journalist will then see what it is returns exactly. There he will discover that people interested in UFOs and ufologists call themselves ... For us, it seems obvious, but everyone does not know ... Even in the press ... Then, our reporter will discover an amazing thing. There is an official agency responsible for that! The Geipan! And besides, it depends on the CNES, the French space agency ... Great! Them, they do not call it Pan UFOs but ... It looks serious, they should contact ... all happy, the reporter finally feels safe! He calls so this angel ... But Geipan thence frustration: "Please fax or mail to the leadership of CNES to any formal request for interview we will respond as soon as possible" ... Damn! The paper is tomorrow! At best, the day after tomorrow ... Geipan The administration is like the others, the journalist understands the need to turn to ufologists. But that contact? And then, to find someone worthy of the name, it must be lost in the maze of the web. No time to put his nose in books about who is credible or not ... So, cutting through the canvas, the reporter is deluged with information of all kinds, more exotic as each other ... (I do not list ...) The journalist begins to take very afraid, and rightly so ... Then the inevitable happens ... It falls on the Roswell case. All alarms are red ... Roswell! Autopsy! Pradel! Hoax! Career ruined! Help! In what I am trying to set foot?? Inside the mind of everyone, so also journalists, Roswell is not just the controversial story of a crash in New Mexico, but it is especially the Autopsy of a model that cost careers ... Roswell is certainly the case who has done the most harm to ufology ... Everybody knows it without knowing what it is ... But back on topic ... Let's say our reporter happens to pass all these traps to fall into a serious UFO researcher who seems or scientist who wants very nice to explain what the study of Pan without much drop in theories smokers. It happens anyway, thankfully ... Here, the reporter finally managed to get a rough idea of the thing ... There's even a good chance that he speaks of the Cometa report that brings some credibility ... For the journalist, doubt begins to rise. Apparently, yes, UFOs, it does exist! These are strange things in the sky, often light, that no one can explain ... There are even several types of UFOs ... Different shapes, different colors, they go at speeds that no planes can not reach , perform impossible maneuvers, etc.. Apparently, the extraterrestrial thesis is the most sustained, even by people Geipan, unofficially ... Really? Interesting thing ... Even a little scary ... Imagine a good Catholic journalist facing all ... Intrigued, a good journalist look necessarily to push a bit on. The obvious question then very quickly. Since when do we know this? And then, boom, 1947 Roswell comes up at one time or another ... But then, if not too stupid, the fact-DIVERSIA exceeds the hoax and understands that it's more complicated than that . But anyway, he did not have time to spend his life on it and it is out of question for him to talk about Roswell in his column ... Too dangerous. Then the UFO explains that existed several secret programs that have allowed the study of UFOs. "Blue Book", "Sign," "Grudge" and I Here goes ... inevitably, the journalist is again completely lost. He comes to know that his witness saw in the sky from his garden and he sort of top secret government files ... It's simple: either the journalist said that these are just bullshit, it is not clear why nobody has ever really talked before. A kind of real fake scoop! And in general, the journalist tends to think that all these things are just crap to teenagers lingered ... Others, like me, are shod for life ... Still the problem remains unresolved to our reporter ... That writing in its pages? No question about Roswell or the "Blue Book" and company ... The reporter then more research ... By pushing it it loses even more ... He talks about abductions, contactee, implants ... Worse, he falls on the MIB! What's that? This is not a film with Will Smith? Damn, they totally crack these UFO! Yes, yes ... That's what many colleagues say they are ... But believe me, when a reporter comes up there, it's already convinced himself of the existence of the UFO phenomenon. Otherwise, he drops the case before ... Not so simple ufology, finally ... In the end, the reporter quickly understands that the UFO subject can not be treated in two days. So it just post a few lines in his duck on what he said witness his base ... There site also a few sentences of the UFO he took the phone and made ten lines on the Cometa report to explain that Senior officials have warned Chirac and Jospin, the potential danger of UFOs that cross our skies regularly ... At best, if all goes well, the reporter finally gets permission to interview the Director of Geipan by phone and splits a box on the case of Trans-en-Provence or flight AF 3532 London ... Super Nice! What a scoop! It can also identify cases of apparitions in the region by visiting the Geipan ... That's the side a little fun for the local audience! But suppose the journalist wants to be a real issue, although chiadé, with Get real ... Inevitably, at one time or another, it will fall on local associations UFO ... And then, depending on the seriousness of the association, I let you imagine the damage ... Personally, members of an association ( I have unfortunately forgotten their names) wanted to take me in the Jura mountains to show me a basic AND. They knew all races, knew who the good guys, bad guys, what planet they came from, what was their purpose, etc.. They communicated well with them ... Yes, yes ... I could publish the guide book intergalactic! For us, UFO buffs, it's easy to get an overall idea of ufology, sort of what is good or bad ... But imagine someone who was parachuted in without being prepared and should inform the public quickly ... That explains a lot of things when the famous "lack of seriousness" of journalists by UFO report in the record ... You can not find? Photos ... True, not true? There is also the problem of illustrations that I want to address quickly. Every newspaper article must therefore be a little illustrated. That's the rule ... And the criticism is often difficult for journalists to choose the images. Alas, a nice picture of UFOs, it's rare. And yet, he must identify it ... So, if the journalist is really unethical, it will use images from movies like ID4, ET, Close Encounters, etc.. Worse yet, it uses nice big fake well known to all in Ufology! The problem is that if there is information just for the "authentic", it will have images of poor quality ... And in media, must photos slamming! Fortunately, there is the Belgian wave me in any case, I consider as authentic ... But then, the journalist will say that perhaps publish photos from a F117 and it will look like a fool. And frankly, F117, journalists do not know what it looks like in real life ... What to do? And throughout it's career ... The risk of breaking his career is probably the most important brake for journalists. Personally, this is what haunts me the most ... It is also why I always use a nickname ... Sorry ... In an editorial, a journalist who decides to devote a real case to UFOs in his diary will soon be considered by his colleagues as slightly disturbed, naive or downright stupid. We will tell him that it's not going in his life, he falls into the irrational, worse, it is related to a cult ... That is also a point that we should not overlook ... So many journalists are content to publish only a brief testimony instead of devoting a folder. A career matter! Botch everything for small gray, no! On sects, I have a story. Few people can doubt that without having lived it ... It happened to me! After publishing my first paper on the UFO phenomenon, my friends GR phoned me to say, "Hey, dude! You're aware of? There's the Raelians around the streets of the city that distribute photocopies of your article to people saying, look, it's true, the aliens are there, the newspaper speaks! . That, too, it calms you before releasing a second article in your columns ... PQR, National Press, TV : All! If I speak primarily of regional daily press, because I consider it the basis of the French press. Everything starts from there ... Also, I worked for over 5 years ... I worked so much time in national newspapers, such as Grand Reporter. A few differences, it happens the same way everywhere. Except in national press, it is even more reluctant to talk about the subject because it affects a wider audience. I tried the shot a few times but I never followed ... So I dropped ... Except in Paris, once a small brief ... And yet, they changed the title to turn into ridicule the evidence ... If the press always laugh about UFOs, just to protect themselves ... To tell people: 'Look, we laugh because we do can not take it seriously. It is smart us ... "... This is not to say that some journalists are not convinced of the existence of the phenomenon. But laughter is the best way to understand it does not adhere to it without having to enter into discussions which might suggest the opposite ... Today, only the newspapers who have already lost credibility can seriously address the topic: Vsd to name one ... So imagine the TV remote ... Although, the problem is a little different ... It's just big idiots who do not further than their noses ... nose is still running cocaine the night before, by the way ... I'm a bit naughty but it's true ... The TV is full of people and sufficient megalomaniac who think that the best everyone ... For them, the UFO is very far ... It's just something "populist" to amuse the gallery. The TV is packed s co ..... idiots is something incredible ... Believe me, I still work with them ... There are obviously exceptions, but they are rare ... Clarify and "regulate" ufology, is the secret "This little article, not science as you can see, is simply to illustrate how the media works against the classic UFO phenomenon. Often criticized the press for not doing its job properly in this regard. I think this one wrong ... I do not preach to my church ... I myself have a lot to criticize the press ... But it's not so simple for media, discuss ufology UFOs ... In France, it is still a taboo! And like all taboos, it's very hard to break ... And a newspaper is all about men and women. What human beings! And yes, sniff ... It's moving, right? Instead of drawing the red ball to the newspapers, I think that ufology should first be questioned. Or at least find a way to successfully communicate, simplifying access to information for the public ... In "become official" in some way ... Otherwise, we will always have the same evidence recurring out of dusty drawers ... Fortunately, some things begin to change. Moreover, the Geipan helped a lot to this change by opening its archives. But if they did, in my opinion, it is because of pressure from the community of fans who grew up day by day on the internet ... We are a growing lobby just waiting to grow and organize themselves properly ... I would like to recognize a quality Geipan. Right now, I think they make a genuine effort to communicate. For what purpose? I do not know ... And this is not the issue ... Anyway, the opening of Geipan Serious UFO associations seems to be a good thing ... Through it, we'll be attending more and more like television report of June 2 to 13 hours on TF1. UFO associations officially associated Geipan will do everything to communicate their work. And since they now depend on the Geipan, they will be more popular ... The mass media are very attached to communications services to state officials. Once a fax falls into an essay is automatically resumed. CNES is an official, credible in the eyes of the media, is Geipan So too ... So if they communicate, the media will follow ... The Clean ufology will be the Geipan ... Of course, we must also beware ... It remains the state ... For my part, I think it is impossible to change the media machine from within a short ladder. So to us, UFO enthusiasts, to put pressure on (and with) the Geipan ... Let's think, talk, exchange, create Buzz ... Let's press the media to respond to our growing unrest ... And then, finally, everything is about people and meetings. If you see a journalist or media owner not too close, do not hesitate to talk about it. You never know, on a misunderstanding, we still get little media coverage ... I urge everyone to consider how to do it as smartly as possible ... Access to the UFO phenomenon for the general public will come along . That's my opinion ... Thanks for reading until the end ... With your feathers friends ... UFO-Parishttp: / / # www.ufofu.org/blog/2008/06/26/ovnis-et-medias/ ^ more-1823 information on UFOs filtered in France? When the press ridiculed voluntarily the UFO phenomenon. It is well known for UFO enthusiasts all of one day being faced with ridicule individual or group of people around you. Initially, we are annoyed, which is quite normal. But when you look at it, our detractors are nothing more than victims of "non-news". "Ovni ridicule the UFO Toul" Everyone knows the news, those of the French public channel or those that are private. Information about ongoing wars and massacres are not lacking, as are natural disasters or man. We invaded reports on business justice, on strikes, on diseases that threaten us, and so on. But in all these sets of data more or less reliable (recall the alleged terrorist Roissy), rarely or almost never speak to journalists ufology. However, recently, this was the case. One could say bravo and thank you, unfortunately, once again, the topic was something carefully by the media. Which you say? I answer: the UFO's ridiculous. The UFO of Toul, Lorraine appeared in the sky and shown by Nancy France3 October 26 2005.Mais here, it is the children who had burst out laughing at the gullibility of certain adults or rather, lack reflection. But you can not blame anyone except the media. It was clear, unless you are really ill-intentioned, that allowing the publication of the images turn into the ridiculous world of ufology. From first glance, one could distinguish the form that was eerily reminiscent of a cartoon character, Dora here. A simple phone call to Météo-France have revealed that the UFO was following the direction of the wind. The video was shot with a Sunday, this was in addition to assuming an appointment Sunday where a "balloon puppet" would accidentally slipped from the hands of a child. But no, despite all these tracks although serious, the drafting of the public channel chose out their scoop of the week. But was it not intentional? Was there not behind this potential operation, a fierce desire to minimize once again the importance of the research work of ufologists? How many are there videos ovniesques more strange than Toul? Enough to make an issue of wide audience. But no, they prefer to spend what can be explained in a phone call and a famous doll for children. Duration: 01:23 Taken: 23 October 2005 Location: Nancy, France Strangely, the media have eclipsed 15 days before the largest UFO appointment ever made in European history. It happened on French soil, specifically in Chalons-en-Champagne. First European Meeting Ufologiques have collected some of the foremost experts in the world UFO. Media coverage was laughable. Why? Well again, it begs the question of a potentially deliberate. Ufology must remain in the shadows, as in bright light, this shadow would fall on our leaders ... Is under the guise of reason of state, some information is filtered? Yes, we are entitled to ask questions, transparency and independence of the French media. Is under the guise of reason of state, some information is filtered? It seems that this possibility is taken seriously. Thus, 2 April 1997, Chile officially recognized the reality of UFOs, stating that the nature of the UFO flying machines was driven by an intelligence. This historical information has it gone to log 20 hours of Patrick Poivre-d'Arvor? Such information would of course in France too raised questions among the masses. And what about the official recognition of the Mexican reality of UFOs, said in September 2004 by General Garcia Varga, Secretary of Defense? And what about this Friday, May 20, 2005 (this year) where the Brazilian military officially recognized UFO research by disclosing previously secret information? Finally, what media in France transcribes the words of Oscar Vicecommodore Bario (Army of Argentina) who were: "UFOs are real. I myself have had experience of this kind in 1951. It was a hard yellowish -silver with dark red edges, moving at high speed at an altitude of about 500 meters. " Or: "At this stage of things, and with evidence we have, it is diffcult to deny the existence of flying saucers. "As you can see, information is filtered in France, here we prefer to talk about drinking and driving oil prices or attacks in Iraq. But in practice, a formal announcement of the French state on the recognition of the UFO phenomenon does not it cause an uproar among voters? People accept it as its leaders have hidden potential danger? Maybe the State is afraid of losing influence or is he afraid of a possible national panic? Anyway, today we are faced with a dilemma. Are we not victims of disinformation? Until that day the President of the Republic unveil the secret to all French people, we must fight to protect information and gradually spread to the public. Some say that truth is not good to say, but I conclude by saying the people are rulers of the nation. Bernard F. http://magik.ovni.free.fr/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3Documentaire ovnisLes and programs on TV shows on UFOs are just mock impartial study of the phenomenon, the evidence is cut , journalists have not studied the subject and not not take seriously, the speech is directed, they mix voluntarily serious investigations with elements ridiculous. In some cases they find nothing better than to question the former CIA officials on the concealment of documents on UFOs. How naive distressing! The subject of UFOs is only fit to make the audience by presenting scientific studies it may lose market share because people ask for the unusual easy to understand. In addition, you should always invite the journalists "debunker" who are there to remove business saying things without foundations which cast doubt among viewers and nullify the efforts to inform the general public. An example pitiful night extraterrestrial Canal +: Arguably the last documentary of Canal Plus has nothing to do with it and happily! That's what we get when you mix anything serious and it's infuriating. It is no wonder then the audience does not take seriously the phenomenon because of entertainers service. Hopefully it does not happen ...
The idea that science-fiction would have created the "belief in flying saucers was often advanced by skeptics. It relies, of course, on the abundant popular literature that has shamelessly exploited the theme of alien invaders, who came aboard their saucers.
The idea that science fiction would have created the "belief in flying saucers was often advanced by skeptics. It relies, of course, on the abundant popular literature that has shamelessly exploited the theme of alien invaders, who came aboard their saucers.
Information site on the UFO phenomenon What You Need to Know about UFOs, a site very serious, the best documents and evidence. Hello and welcome, This site is for informational purposes concrete and serious public about the UFO phenomenon. I do not pretend to know everything and understand everything about the UFO phenomenon, far from it. For cons, I argue that there are important facts that must be taken into account and which must be brought to your attention. This work was done in order to present a complete dossier on this phenomenon and its implications. Thus, you will on this single site and not scattered over the Internet or in the archives, find a large number of documents which prove the existence and presence of certain gear nonhuman nature. This is biggest story of all time that could undermine many things. Want to learn more, explore and make you a more accurate view on this? Well you're in the right place. I simply ask you to grant to do the utmost attention. Reading the files takes a little time but it's exciting and vitally important you can be sure. Everyone should know these cases and documents! You have to find your way with a summary shown, a menu detailed and a forum. I would like, if you wish, above all raise some important points that allow the present situation and challenge some prejudices Joke easy, and disinformation "Any scientist who has not read some books and articles presenting serious current readings of the phenomenon should have the intellectual honesty to refrain from making statements presented as scientific ... "Dr. Bernard Haisch, an astronomer has long been UFOs are easy target of jokes, fueling the chatter of gossips or use of items subject to newspapers in which legions of Martian use them as vehicles. Part of the press, always the same, has published stories of flying saucers or true facts are always mixed with purely imaginary event or grotesque. This kind of literature circulated among the general public could only sow confusion in people's minds. The subject is smiling? Yet it is the most serious. The interest of the Army for these unidentified aerospace phenomena is proof. Therefore CANAL + has brought together two major investigative journalists, Patrice and Michel Mazery Despratx which did any work doubly rigorous in this video documentary given the stakes. Watch the rest of this documentary by clicking here Please Statistics and importance of the phenomenon in the world: "What is proof? Is it a UFO land at the entrance to the Pentagon, to Heads of Staff? Or is it proof when a ground radar station detects UFO, sends a squadron of interception, the pilots saw the UFO, take it to the radar and are away at tremendous speed? Is this evidence only when the pilot shoots him and maintains his version before a court martial? This does not he proof ? "EJ Ruppelt (Staff, Chief of Project Blue Book) Some figures can demonstrate the importance of the UFO phenomenon in the world. According to the UN since 1947, 150 million witnesses to UFO sightings have been reported worldwide, 120000 stories have been studied, 20000 tell of UFO landings, 3500 UFO photos are listed, 4000 ground tracks UFO activities have been identified the majority of which are associated with effects on vegetation. We regularly hear that only 1% of the observations are unexplained and a fraction thereof resist investigations. But this is totally false! In reality this percentage is 28% according to figures from CNES not to mention 30% of observations that lack data. The meteorites and natural phenomena are more frequent and more numerous than the UFO visits (thankfully) it contributes a mathematical logic to minimize, reduce the percentage of unexplained cases. Additionally be aware that very few people dare to testify today for fear of ridicule.
The media and the phenomenon ovniMais why the media do not it good information on the UFO phenomenon? Conspiracy, ignorance of the seriousness and importance of the topic, concealment or misunderstanding? The answers in this article ...
We all agree that media coverage of the UFO phenomenon is still very bad in France today ... As some of you know, the subject is particularly close to my heart. I myself am an investigative journalist for ten years and an avid fan ufology. So for this reason that I beg to submit this article on "UFOs and the Media." It aims to explain exactly what happens in newsrooms when talking about UFOs. Although this is slowly changing ... First thing to note: There is no conspiracy to hide the truth in the French press! Let us be very clear! So why treat the UFO phenomenon is so bad, ask me some? You'll see ... I'll start by describing briefly a newspaper editorial, that everyone understands how it ... Everything is going up in his big chair, he is the CEO. It's not really him who leads, contrary to what one might think. Even fewer shareholders who are merely financial ... (And not all are from the arms industry, so there see no conspiracy here). Often the CEO is also the managing editor. So he is legally responsible for remarks made in his title ... Then there's an editor. The real boss is the one! Of course, he does everything to stick to the editorial line dictated by the CEO, but it is actually he who wets the shirt ... And finally, at the bottom of the ladder, after a cascade of department heads often unnecessary, there are people in the field: Major reporters, journalists, editors, photographers, freelance writers, correspondents ... Those who fetch the information and the deal! Information can come from anywhere in this hierarchy. An editor can suggest a topic as a journalist or even a secretary ... Obviously, the editor who makes the final decision to publish or not ... And it's always a journalist who investigates the chosen topic. It was he who wrote the article ... UFO : The obstacle course ... we come to the point that interests us. Imagine that witnessed an apparition of UFOs knocks on the door of a major newspaper to tell what he saw. What's going on? Already, he is dealing with the staff of the First Home ... dam! Sometimes, simply return the switchboard witnesses by taking them for real crazy ... It happens, believe me ... But if these people are doing their job, they direct the witness to one of its journalists. Generally, it is the Reporters in charge of the news that gets stuck. You should know that UFOs are the responsibility this topic in almost every newspaper ... Here then undertakes a discussion between the journalist and witness ... Again, if the fact-opinion DIVERSIA a good gear on the issue, he will listen to the witness by hiding a smile mocking. Then he will thank for stopping him while affirming solemnly that "will examine the phenomenon of rare importance with the utmost attention" ... Once outside the witness, the notes taken during the interview go directly to the trash ... I saw it several times ... however, if the reporter thinks it his duty to paper on what the witness says he saw, he will be obliged to refer to his superiors ... That's where the problems really start ... The reporter then goes upstairs and knocks on the door of his editor for inform the testimony. First reaction: "the witness, booze? "... The credibility of the witness is questioned first, if not outright the journalist himself, because of his interest in the thing ... Anyway ... There's also the classic:" For people, UFOs, it's bogus! So it is out of the question to publish it. If we publish it undermines the rest of our news! "By pushing a little, the editor may be willing to publish a few lines ... but just ... Fortunately, some newspaper executives have a little more guts than others ... These people will say," Banco! But it must investigate ... Draws the airfield on the corner, the weather service, the military base, the RG, the police, etc.. "All this, of course, is only to cover themselves ... To believe that a serious investigation was conducted by the Editorial ... In fact, what all newspaper executives have to fear is losing credibility ... So we must shake a little air with the official authorities to buy a conscience ... There, only after exhausting to rush about to screw up, you may publish ... I also remind you that in a newspaper, you do not have two weeks to address this issue. And yes, "there are more important things" ... That's it! If you have a wildfire in a field, a road accident or a murder on our hands at the same time, goodbye ... But a small UFO UFO, what exactly? Here is the most important point in my eyes. Here is where it all happens! And that's where you, the readers, are most concerned ... Let me explain ... If the journalist has never dealt with the phenomenon, which is almost the case every time he goes immediately to research ... Internet! Yep! The first thing he will therefore undertake is to type the four magic letters on Google: "UFO" ... Fortunately, today, the first site that comes up is Wikipedia ... It was not the case my time. I can not tell you the mess ... Anyway ... The journalist will then see what it is returns exactly. There he will discover that people interested in UFOs and ufologists call themselves ... For us, it seems obvious, but everyone does not know ... Even in the press ... Then, our reporter will discover an amazing thing. There is an official agency responsible for that! The Geipan! And besides, it depends on the CNES, the French space agency ... Great! Them, they do not call it Pan UFOs but ... It looks serious, they should contact ... all happy, the reporter finally feels safe! He calls so this angel ... But Geipan thence frustration: "Please fax or mail to the leadership of CNES to any formal request for interview we will respond as soon as possible" ... Damn! The paper is tomorrow! At best, the day after tomorrow ... Geipan The administration is like the others, the journalist understands the need to turn to ufologists. But that contact? And then, to find someone worthy of the name, it must be lost in the maze of the web. No time to put his nose in books about who is credible or not ... So, cutting through the canvas, the reporter is deluged with information of all kinds, more exotic as each other ... (I do not list ...) The journalist begins to take very afraid, and rightly so ... Then the inevitable happens ... It falls on the Roswell case. All alarms are red ... Roswell! Autopsy! Pradel! Hoax! Career ruined! Help! In what I am trying to set foot?? Inside the mind of everyone, so also journalists, Roswell is not just the controversial story of a crash in New Mexico, but it is especially the Autopsy of a model that cost careers ... Roswell is certainly the case who has done the most harm to ufology ... Everybody knows it without knowing what it is ... But back on topic ... Let's say our reporter happens to pass all these traps to fall into a serious UFO researcher who seems or scientist who wants very nice to explain what the study of Pan without much drop in theories smokers. It happens anyway, thankfully ... Here, the reporter finally managed to get a rough idea of the thing ... There's even a good chance that he speaks of the Cometa report that brings some credibility ... For the journalist, doubt begins to rise. Apparently, yes, UFOs, it does exist! These are strange things in the sky, often light, that no one can explain ... There are even several types of UFOs ... Different shapes, different colors, they go at speeds that no planes can not reach , perform impossible maneuvers, etc.. Apparently, the extraterrestrial thesis is the most sustained, even by people Geipan, unofficially ... Really? Interesting thing ... Even a little scary ... Imagine a good Catholic journalist facing all ... Intrigued, a good journalist look necessarily to push a bit on. The obvious question then very quickly. Since when do we know this? And then, boom, 1947 Roswell comes up at one time or another ... But then, if not too stupid, the fact-DIVERSIA exceeds the hoax and understands that it's more complicated than that . But anyway, he did not have time to spend his life on it and it is out of question for him to talk about Roswell in his column ... Too dangerous. Then the UFO explains that existed several secret programs that have allowed the study of UFOs. "Blue Book", "Sign," "Grudge" and I Here goes ... inevitably, the journalist is again completely lost. He comes to know that his witness saw in the sky from his garden and he sort of top secret government files ... It's simple: either the journalist said that these are just bullshit, it is not clear why nobody has ever really talked before. A kind of real fake scoop! And in general, the journalist tends to think that all these things are just crap to teenagers lingered ... Others, like me, are shod for life ... Still the problem remains unresolved to our reporter ... That writing in its pages? No question about Roswell or the "Blue Book" and company ... The reporter then more research ... By pushing it it loses even more ... He talks about abductions, contactee, implants ... Worse, he falls on the MIB! What's that? This is not a film with Will Smith? Damn, they totally crack these UFO! Yes, yes ... That's what many colleagues say they are ... But believe me, when a reporter comes up there, it's already convinced himself of the existence of the UFO phenomenon. Otherwise, he drops the case before ... Not so simple ufology, finally ... In the end, the reporter quickly understands that the UFO subject can not be treated in two days. So it just post a few lines in his duck on what he said witness his base ... There site also a few sentences of the UFO he took the phone and made ten lines on the Cometa report to explain that Senior officials have warned Chirac and Jospin, the potential danger of UFOs that cross our skies regularly ... At best, if all goes well, the reporter finally gets permission to interview the Director of Geipan by phone and splits a box on the case of Trans-en-Provence or flight AF 3532 London ... Super Nice! What a scoop! It can also identify cases of apparitions in the region by visiting the Geipan ... That's the side a little fun for the local audience! But suppose the journalist wants to be a real issue, although chiadé, with Get real ... Inevitably, at one time or another, it will fall on local associations UFO ... And then, depending on the seriousness of the association, I let you imagine the damage ... Personally, members of an association ( I have unfortunately forgotten their names) wanted to take me in the Jura mountains to show me a basic AND. They knew all races, knew who the good guys, bad guys, what planet they came from, what was their purpose, etc.. They communicated well with them ... Yes, yes ... I could publish the guide book intergalactic! For us, UFO buffs, it's easy to get an overall idea of ufology, sort of what is good or bad ... But imagine someone who was parachuted in without being prepared and should inform the public quickly ... That explains a lot of things when the famous "lack of seriousness" of journalists by UFO report in the record ... You can not find? Photos ... True, not true? There is also the problem of illustrations that I want to address quickly. Every newspaper article must therefore be a little illustrated. That's the rule ... And the criticism is often difficult for journalists to choose the images. Alas, a nice picture of UFOs, it's rare. And yet, he must identify it ... So, if the journalist is really unethical, it will use images from movies like ID4, ET, Close Encounters, etc.. Worse yet, it uses nice big fake well known to all in Ufology! The problem is that if there is information just for the "authentic", it will have images of poor quality ... And in media, must photos slamming! Fortunately, there is the Belgian wave me in any case, I consider as authentic ... But then, the journalist will say that perhaps publish photos from a F117 and it will look like a fool. And frankly, F117, journalists do not know what it looks like in real life ... What to do? And throughout it's career ... The risk of breaking his career is probably the most important brake for journalists. Personally, this is what haunts me the most ... It is also why I always use a nickname ... Sorry ... In an editorial, a journalist who decides to devote a real case to UFOs in his diary will soon be considered by his colleagues as slightly disturbed, naive or downright stupid. We will tell him that it's not going in his life, he falls into the irrational, worse, it is related to a cult ... That is also a point that we should not overlook ... So many journalists are content to publish only a brief testimony instead of devoting a folder. A career matter! Botch everything for small gray, no! On sects, I have a story. Few people can doubt that without having lived it ... It happened to me! After publishing my first paper on the UFO phenomenon, my friends GR phoned me to say, "Hey, dude! You're aware of? There's the Raelians around the streets of the city that distribute photocopies of your article to people saying, look, it's true, the aliens are there, the newspaper speaks! . That, too, it calms you before releasing a second article in your columns ... PQR, National Press, TV : All! If I speak primarily of regional daily press, because I consider it the basis of the French press. Everything starts from there ... Also, I worked for over 5 years ... I worked so much time in national newspapers, such as Grand Reporter. A few differences, it happens the same way everywhere. Except in national press, it is even more reluctant to talk about the subject because it affects a wider audience. I tried the shot a few times but I never followed ... So I dropped ... Except in Paris, once a small brief ... And yet, they changed the title to turn into ridicule the evidence ... If the press always laugh about UFOs, just to protect themselves ... To tell people: 'Look, we laugh because we do can not take it seriously. It is smart us ... "... This is not to say that some journalists are not convinced of the existence of the phenomenon. But laughter is the best way to understand it does not adhere to it without having to enter into discussions which might suggest the opposite ... Today, only the newspapers who have already lost credibility can seriously address the topic: Vsd to name one ... So imagine the TV remote ... Although, the problem is a little different ... It's just big idiots who do not further than their noses ... nose is still running cocaine the night before, by the way ... I'm a bit naughty but it's true ... The TV is full of people and sufficient megalomaniac who think that the best everyone ... For them, the UFO is very far ... It's just something "populist" to amuse the gallery. The TV is packed s co ..... idiots is something incredible ... Believe me, I still work with them ... There are obviously exceptions, but they are rare ... Clarify and "regulate" ufology, is the secret "This little article, not science as you can see, is simply to illustrate how the media works against the classic UFO phenomenon. Often criticized the press for not doing its job properly in this regard. I think this one wrong ... I do not preach to my church ... I myself have a lot to criticize the press ... But it's not so simple for media, discuss ufology UFOs ... In France, it is still a taboo! And like all taboos, it's very hard to break ... And a newspaper is all about men and women. What human beings! And yes, sniff ... It's moving, right? Instead of drawing the red ball to the newspapers, I think that ufology should first be questioned. Or at least find a way to successfully communicate, simplifying access to information for the public ... In "become official" in some way ... Otherwise, we will always have the same evidence recurring out of dusty drawers ... Fortunately, some things begin to change. Moreover, the Geipan helped a lot to this change by opening its archives. But if they did, in my opinion, it is because of pressure from the community of fans who grew up day by day on the internet ... We are a growing lobby just waiting to grow and organize themselves properly ... I would like to recognize a quality Geipan. Right now, I think they make a genuine effort to communicate. For what purpose? I do not know ... And this is not the issue ... Anyway, the opening of Geipan Serious UFO associations seems to be a good thing ... Through it, we'll be attending more and more like television report of June 2 to 13 hours on TF1. UFO associations officially associated Geipan will do everything to communicate their work. And since they now depend on the Geipan, they will be more popular ... The mass media are very attached to communications services to state officials. Once a fax falls into an essay is automatically resumed. CNES is an official, credible in the eyes of the media, is Geipan So too ... So if they communicate, the media will follow ... The Clean ufology will be the Geipan ... Of course, we must also beware ... It remains the state ... For my part, I think it is impossible to change the media machine from within a short ladder. So to us, UFO enthusiasts, to put pressure on (and with) the Geipan ... Let's think, talk, exchange, create Buzz ... Let's press the media to respond to our growing unrest ... And then, finally, everything is about people and meetings. If you see a journalist or media owner not too close, do not hesitate to talk about it. You never know, on a misunderstanding, we still get little media coverage ... I urge everyone to consider how to do it as smartly as possible ... Access to the UFO phenomenon for the general public will come along . That's my opinion ... Thanks for reading until the end ... With your feathers friends ... UFO-Parishttp: / / # www.ufofu.org/blog/2008/06/26/ovnis-et-medias/ ^ more-1823 information on UFOs filtered in France? When the press ridiculed voluntarily the UFO phenomenon. It is well known for UFO enthusiasts all of one day being faced with ridicule individual or group of people around you. Initially, we are annoyed, which is quite normal. But when you look at it, our detractors are nothing more than victims of "non-news". "Ovni ridicule the UFO Toul" Everyone knows the news, those of the French public channel or those that are private. Information about ongoing wars and massacres are not lacking, as are natural disasters or man. We invaded reports on business justice, on strikes, on diseases that threaten us, and so on. But in all these sets of data more or less reliable (recall the alleged terrorist Roissy), rarely or almost never speak to journalists ufology. However, recently, this was the case. One could say bravo and thank you, unfortunately, once again, the topic was something carefully by the media. Which you say? I answer: the UFO's ridiculous. The UFO of Toul, Lorraine appeared in the sky and shown by Nancy France3 October 26 2005.Mais here, it is the children who had burst out laughing at the gullibility of certain adults or rather, lack reflection. But you can not blame anyone except the media. It was clear, unless you are really ill-intentioned, that allowing the publication of the images turn into the ridiculous world of ufology. From first glance, one could distinguish the form that was eerily reminiscent of a cartoon character, Dora here. A simple phone call to Météo-France have revealed that the UFO was following the direction of the wind. The video was shot with a Sunday, this was in addition to assuming an appointment Sunday where a "balloon puppet" would accidentally slipped from the hands of a child. But no, despite all these tracks although serious, the drafting of the public channel chose out their scoop of the week. But was it not intentional? Was there not behind this potential operation, a fierce desire to minimize once again the importance of the research work of ufologists? How many are there videos ovniesques more strange than Toul? Enough to make an issue of wide audience. But no, they prefer to spend what can be explained in a phone call and a famous doll for children. Duration: 01:23 Taken: 23 October 2005 Location: Nancy, France Strangely, the media have eclipsed 15 days before the largest UFO appointment ever made in European history. It happened on French soil, specifically in Chalons-en-Champagne. First European Meeting Ufologiques have collected some of the foremost experts in the world UFO. Media coverage was laughable. Why? Well again, it begs the question of a potentially deliberate. Ufology must remain in the shadows, as in bright light, this shadow would fall on our leaders ... Is under the guise of reason of state, some information is filtered? Yes, we are entitled to ask questions, transparency and independence of the French media. Is under the guise of reason of state, some information is filtered? It seems that this possibility is taken seriously. Thus, 2 April 1997, Chile officially recognized the reality of UFOs, stating that the nature of the UFO flying machines was driven by an intelligence. This historical information has it gone to log 20 hours of Patrick Poivre-d'Arvor? Such information would of course in France too raised questions among the masses. And what about the official recognition of the Mexican reality of UFOs, said in September 2004 by General Garcia Varga, Secretary of Defense? And what about this Friday, May 20, 2005 (this year) where the Brazilian military officially recognized UFO research by disclosing previously secret information? Finally, what media in France transcribes the words of Oscar Vicecommodore Bario (Army of Argentina) who were: "UFOs are real. I myself have had experience of this kind in 1951. It was a hard yellowish -silver with dark red edges, moving at high speed at an altitude of about 500 meters. " Or: "At this stage of things, and with evidence we have, it is diffcult to deny the existence of flying saucers. "As you can see, information is filtered in France, here we prefer to talk about drinking and driving oil prices or attacks in Iraq. But in practice, a formal announcement of the French state on the recognition of the UFO phenomenon does not it cause an uproar among voters? People accept it as its leaders have hidden potential danger? Maybe the State is afraid of losing influence or is he afraid of a possible national panic? Anyway, today we are faced with a dilemma. Are we not victims of disinformation? Until that day the President of the Republic unveil the secret to all French people, we must fight to protect information and gradually spread to the public. Some say that truth is not good to say, but I conclude by saying the people are rulers of the nation. Bernard F. http://magik.ovni.free.fr/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3Documentaire ovnisLes and programs on TV shows on UFOs are just mock impartial study of the phenomenon, the evidence is cut , journalists have not studied the subject and not not take seriously, the speech is directed, they mix voluntarily serious investigations with elements ridiculous. In some cases they find nothing better than to question the former CIA officials on the concealment of documents on UFOs. How naive distressing! The subject of UFOs is only fit to make the audience by presenting scientific studies it may lose market share because people ask for the unusual easy to understand. In addition, you should always invite the journalists "debunker" who are there to remove business saying things without foundations which cast doubt among viewers and nullify the efforts to inform the general public. An example pitiful night extraterrestrial Canal +: Arguably the last documentary of Canal Plus has nothing to do with it and happily! That's what we get when you mix anything serious and it's infuriating. It is no wonder then the audience does not take seriously the phenomenon because of entertainers service. Hopefully it does not happen ...
The idea that science-fiction would have created the "belief in flying saucers was often advanced by skeptics. It relies, of course, on the abundant popular literature that has shamelessly exploited the theme of alien invaders, who came aboard their saucers.
The idea that science fiction would have created the "belief in flying saucers was often advanced by skeptics. It relies, of course, on the abundant popular literature that has shamelessly exploited the theme of alien invaders, who came aboard their saucers.
Information site on the UFO phenomenon What You Need to Know about UFOs, a site very serious, the best documents and evidence. Hello and welcome, This site is for informational purposes concrete and serious public about the UFO phenomenon. I do not pretend to know everything and understand everything about the UFO phenomenon, far from it. For cons, I argue that there are important facts that must be taken into account and which must be brought to your attention. This work was done in order to present a complete dossier on this phenomenon and its implications. Thus, you will on this single site and not scattered over the Internet or in the archives, find a large number of documents which prove the existence and presence of certain gear nonhuman nature. This is biggest story of all time that could undermine many things. Want to learn more, explore and make you a more accurate view on this? Well you're in the right place. I simply ask you to grant to do the utmost attention. Reading the files takes a little time but it's exciting and vitally important you can be sure. Everyone should know these cases and documents! You have to find your way with a summary shown, a menu detailed and a forum. I would like, if you wish, above all raise some important points that allow the present situation and challenge some prejudices Joke easy, and disinformation "Any scientist who has not read some books and articles presenting serious current readings of the phenomenon should have the intellectual honesty to refrain from making statements presented as scientific ... "Dr. Bernard Haisch, an astronomer has long been UFOs are easy target of jokes, fueling the chatter of gossips or use of items subject to newspapers in which legions of Martian use them as vehicles. Part of the press, always the same, has published stories of flying saucers or true facts are always mixed with purely imaginary event or grotesque. This kind of literature circulated among the general public could only sow confusion in people's minds. The subject is smiling? Yet it is the most serious. The interest of the Army for these unidentified aerospace phenomena is proof. Therefore CANAL + has brought together two major investigative journalists, Patrice and Michel Mazery Despratx which did any work doubly rigorous in this video documentary given the stakes. Watch the rest of this documentary by clicking here Please Statistics and importance of the phenomenon in the world: "What is proof? Is it a UFO land at the entrance to the Pentagon, to Heads of Staff? Or is it proof when a ground radar station detects UFO, sends a squadron of interception, the pilots saw the UFO, take it to the radar and are away at tremendous speed? Is this evidence only when the pilot shoots him and maintains his version before a court martial? This does not he proof ? "EJ Ruppelt (Staff, Chief of Project Blue Book) Some figures can demonstrate the importance of the UFO phenomenon in the world. According to the UN since 1947, 150 million witnesses to UFO sightings have been reported worldwide, 120000 stories have been studied, 20000 tell of UFO landings, 3500 UFO photos are listed, 4000 ground tracks UFO activities have been identified the majority of which are associated with effects on vegetation. We regularly hear that only 1% of the observations are unexplained and a fraction thereof resist investigations. But this is totally false! In reality this percentage is 28% according to figures from CNES not to mention 30% of observations that lack data. The meteorites and natural phenomena are more frequent and more numerous than the UFO visits (thankfully) it contributes a mathematical logic to minimize, reduce the percentage of unexplained cases. Additionally be aware that very few people dare to testify today for fear of ridicule.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
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The mysterious petrified prisoners Vauban Dam
built by Vauban's plans following the capitulation of Strasbourg (1681), the "big lock fortification" is a bridge which has a defensive structure. Obstruction by arches, it was possible to raise the river level and flood and land located south of the city, slowing the progression of the enemy and preventing him from approaching his artillery within range .
Vauban Dam is not only a military building, it is also a poetic place. These old walls contain a treasure dusty, deserted, petrified, be left to oblivion. Fragments of stone sculptures and statues from the bulk of the cathedral of Strasbourg are stored behind steel gates, as prisoners. An unreal atmosphere. (Unfortunately, photos of average quality).

Vauban Dam is not only a military building, it is also a poetic place. These old walls contain a treasure dusty, deserted, petrified, be left to oblivion. Fragments of stone sculptures and statues from the bulk of the cathedral of Strasbourg are stored behind steel gates, as prisoners. An unreal atmosphere. (Unfortunately, photos of average quality).
Saturday, February 16, 2008
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drier abandoned amid vineyards
Probably built in the mid-nineteenth century, this dryer is an agricultural building of rare beauty. Surrounded by brick arches and stone, this small Italian-style turret overlooking a valley planted with vines and apple trees.
Located near a large property, building was used for drying flax or hemp. Work has been underway for some ten years to make it habitable, then obviously abandoned. Why? The mystery remains unsolved.

Located near a large property, building was used for drying flax or hemp. Work has been underway for some ten years to make it habitable, then obviously abandoned. Why? The mystery remains unsolved.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
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Near the Luxembourg Gardens
The quarries located around the Jardin du Luxembourg are essentially medieval. It contains some of the most beautiful places in the catacombs, as well as tourist attractions, like the bunker that housed the center of Nazi radio in Paris. But we will come back another time.
The photos in this series showed some nice galleries in the mass and dark the famous fountain of the Chartreux. This quarry was operated by the monks, when built their abbey in what is now southern Jardin du Luxembourg (Le Clos des Chartreux). It was subsequently consolidated with superbly inspection careers.
is associated with these places many legends, including that of the Devil Vauvert.

The photos in this series showed some nice galleries in the mass and dark the famous fountain of the Chartreux. This quarry was operated by the monks, when built their abbey in what is now southern Jardin du Luxembourg (Le Clos des Chartreux). It was subsequently consolidated with superbly inspection careers.
is associated with these places many legends, including that of the Devil Vauvert.
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Around the Place Denfert-Rochereau
The area located around Place Denfert-Rochereau, partly assigned to the ossuary of the Town of Paris, includes some very nice galleries. Located near the headquarters of the General Inspectorate career, this area has hosted the first career consolidations Guillaumot by the Inspector General in 1777.

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The Crypt
The Crypt is not a real room but a very nice little gallery below, in which a named cataphile The Gargoyle has made many sculptures of the Gothic style, which explains the name this beautiful place. This gallery was unfortunately partly injected by mistake, which has reduced ceiling height. Inspection of careers had however demanded that the contractor repair the damage caused, but this has been done only partially. The sculpture of the Gargoyle has also been vandalized a few years later. Other more or less adroit cataphiles have added some small sculptures. This place is nevertheless one of the most charming and one of the most mysterious Great South network.

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The Cellar (Ward Sarett)
The Cellar Sarett neighborhood is one of many careers have been redeveloped into a brewery at the end of their operation. Temperature relatively constant at these depths, promotes the storage of beer or fermentation. Become too small or too complicated to operate, and face the concentration of the beer industry, these breweries will close their doors and gradually fall back into oblivion.
The cellar of the neighborhood Sarett, partially filled, has been reopened and reinvested in the 80 and 90. A squat was built and students of Fine Arts have produced numerous murals, inspired by great pictorial masterpieces, all on a fund psylos, famous magic mushrooms.

The cellar of the neighborhood Sarett, partially filled, has been reopened and reinvested in the 80 and 90. A squat was built and students of Fine Arts have produced numerous murals, inspired by great pictorial masterpieces, all on a fund psylos, famous magic mushrooms.
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passage vents
Galleries sealed, filled, injected ... Traffic is not always easy in a quarry running Under the City of Paris, and sometimes you have to crawl or dig, to pass.
Some passages vents (narrow neck through which the slip cataphiles), while flexibility ...

Some passages vents (narrow neck through which the slip cataphiles), while flexibility ...
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The Sector said Bout du Monde (BDM) is located under the park Montsouris. It is a set of low ceiling and labyrinthine, accessed by bypassing the North isolated quarries located under the tank Montsouris.
This area once consisted of numerous rooms remained mythical names (ceramics room, Corsican beach ...) but much of them disappeared in the injections.
There are still some rooms decorated with sculptures and in the final corners, old charts, some dating back to the revolution of 1848.
Here are some old photos already on this sector of the GRS

This area once consisted of numerous rooms remained mythical names (ceramics room, Corsican beach ...) but much of them disappeared in the injections.
There are still some rooms decorated with sculptures and in the final corners, old charts, some dating back to the revolution of 1848.
Here are some old photos already on this sector of the GRS
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