Flight Secret
the night of October 7, 1965, near the city of Los Angeles, California. The military base at Edwards Air Force which developed top-secret flight gear, has been a code red. Indeed, that night, its air space was violated by not 1 item, but 3 and then finally 7 unidentified flying objects and this for more than 6 hours straight until dawn. Most of the time these objects are seen in one area, but not in respect of them. Indeed, five different bases in the highly militarized regions have also securely identified. The fleet of different databases were then immediately attempted to intercept them. Fortunately
and is one of the few times in the history of UFOs, radars have managed to locate their positions and provide accurate real-time throughout the procedure. Audio chats and intensive patrols multiple that night by American pilots from the U.S. Air Force have been recorded. The Pentagon had been alerted and taking it very seriously, gave authorization to use force and make use of a missile armed with a nuclear warhead in the event of force majeure.
The newspaper's local time, the "Desert Wings" has even made mention in his columns. Telling all the facts without being able to explain the cause and the presence of these mysterious devices that have never been identified. UFO HUNTERS team interested in this case went to the scene to conduct their investigation. Officers and pilots of that era still active for the most part, will testify and help to further clarify this mystery and add further evidence to clear their records.
In addition to his recent statements on Fox News, January 28, this response from Nick Pope on Coast to Coast / AM in 30 minutes detailing what he wanted to express, when he emerged from his reserve to charge the British Government:
- "Pilots of the RAF tried to shoot down UFOs, following a directive top- Secret British government. "
-" We have resorted to radical actions. There was within the MoD a group committed to 'get one of these devices to solve the problem in a or another '. "
-" These cases are highly classified, and nobody is willing to mention them for obvious reasons of security. The country has maintained continuously since the Cold War - and particularly September 11, 2001 - fighter jets ready for takeoff. On several occasions, these fighters were mobilized to intercept the unknown craft that had been spotted on our radars. The same thing happened in other countries. "
There he goes well beyond what he said on Radio Here & Now! in March 2007.