Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Make Metal Core Wheels

Search for star trek: UFOs Here to Help Us


Friday, June 5, 2009

How To Build A Rabbit Auto Feeder

Fire in the sky

Search for National Geography: extraterrestrial life


Comments on Top Secret UFO's with Bob Lazar - 1 of 6


UFO Files-Alien Engineering (1 of 2)


Encounters aliens


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Filmes De Mario Salieri

Description: From nowhere
The phenomenon strikes indiscriminately. There are no warning signs. Within minutes, dozens, hundreds of people die in strange circumstances, terrifying, totally incomprehensible. What causes this sudden and radical change in human behavior? Is this a new form of terrorist attack, an experiment gone wrong, a diabolical toxic weapon, a virus that has spun out of control? And how this threat is spreading she? By air, by water or otherwise?


colonize space

http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search / espace/video/xnp4h_coloniser-lespace_tech
For those interested from near or far to the famous date of December 21, 20012, here's a story that hopefully will provide some additional information regarding this. The description of this video was made by Resavacs you will find on the forum.

Hail Mary full of grace ... As

You see, I said my prayers since the end of the world is scheduled for December 21, 2012. If, if the Mayan calendar that told me. Indeed

Millennium Maya calendar will suddenly end December 21, 2012, ending the 5th and last Sun. Nothing too serious I tell you, but alas the Maya are not alone in preaching the end of the world. Many other people of different age and culture believe in the imminent end of time with Hopi Indians, the Cherokee, Maori and others.

Added to this prophecy and ancient writings and supporting these claims speak of the end of the world's most well known of these texts and of course the Apocalypse of St. John. Other prophets come from different backgrounds add to the list that appears as agreeing with the Mayan calendar. Nostradamus, St. Malachy, Edgar Cayce, times and names change while the message remains the same ...

The video you will discover have been made by Antoll Ma for an internal debate within the famous meal Ufologiques Marseille. It approaches the subject from side to side forgetting any element, whether scientific or merely prophetic. By carefully following the reasoning of his research, one quickly realizes that strange ties unite the different historical facts spiritual and leaving us even more in doubt and giving us wanting to know more.

On this short explanation, I'll let you see the video and enjoy the three years you have left to live.

space visitors


extraterrestrial life, UFOs & PANs

http://www.ufofu.org/blog/2008/07/12/ovni-les-mecanismes-d one-misinformation /

But, I am told often you students who diez flying saucers since 1951, real parliaments, do you believe?
Question Simple, is not it, and that, after so long, we should be able to answer yes or no.


Why is he has not had any contact?


Paranormalisation and assumptions in ufology

http:/ / benzemas.zeblog.com/409679-la-paranormalisation-de-l-39-ufologie-et-hypotheses-sur-les-ovnis /

The paradox of Enrico Fermi

http://benzemas.zeblog.com/ 202073-the-paradox-of-enrico-fermi /

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Typical Wattage Of Pedastal Fan

UFO Phenomena: What governments hide?

UFO: what is behind the government?


UFO: secret American


EBE UFO invasion

http://www.guba .com/watch/3000089782

Bermuda Triangle - Super-science


the space visitors

http://www.guba.com/watch/ 3000089910

Presence aliens


Pyramids mystery


On the borders of Supernatural - UFOs


the truth is it someplace else?


Best UFO evidence


UFO Kecksburg

http://www.guba .com/watch/3000090149

Parallel Worlds

http://www.guba.com/watch/3000089919 Secret NASA Transmissions


Encounters aliens


UFOs of the Cold War


Conference 1 jpp


aliens real?


aliens among us - removal


Great Night UFO

http://www .guba.com/watch/3000467599

Monday, May 25, 2009

Morrowind Patch No Cd Francais

[History Channel] UFO Files - Cattle Mutilations.divx



UFO-Down to Earth-Reason to Believe.avi

http://www.guba .com/watch/2000827960

Incredible but True - Soviet UFO Secrets Revealed.asf


UFO's Then And Now - Cause For Alarm.asf


National Press Club UFO november 2007




Fastwalkers Disclosure Subs.English


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Downluod Game Pokemon Leaf Green For Imac Ox

Myth or Reality? Video

Myth or reality?
Some may find this a fascinating subject matter of literature, revealing a valuable part of human imagination.
Others may see, through fascinating coincidences, the demonstration of its reality.
But whether real or imagined, each of us will agree to take an interest in this phenomenon that affects a key issue of our humanity: Are we alone?
Contents Introduction

October 20, 1954, France
Elianne Berthaux, October 4, 1954
John and Sue Day, October 24, 1974
Betty Andreasson, January 25, 1967
60 children, 16 September 1994
Betty and Barney Hill, September 19, 1961
creature of Salinas, 1980
Grand Shaman Zulu Elder Credo Mutwa

Make a copy / paste this address in your browser
http://knol.google.com/k/exobio/les-extraterrestres/nvmqvyk1cxru/9 #

would love you to submit a comment ridge of UFOCapture March 30 at 12:38 UT (2:38 p.m. local) in Marseille. The coordinates of the camera at that time were: 43 ° 15'57 .11 "N 5 ° 23'25 .46" E 12 to about 14 m from sea level, the axis of the cam was 244 ° with a elevation of about 55 °. I do not think this is a liner or it has lost its wings. [...]
Tower Marseille Provence airport telephone who received me very well (a lovely lady) ... because I track video of a liner being spent 4 minutes before the phenomenon, I gave him his ais bearing with respect to their facilities, course and approximate that flight level and that of the pan, it will make their search easier radar plot. Not only did she listened to me with interest and professionalism, but she also asked me my mobile number to remind me and my email to email me and I mail him my three video file, visible and infrared if they confirms the stud.

A UFO was observed by scientists from the observatory of the University of Nariño.

The first sighting occurred by chance at 20 hours. Even with an overcast sky in Pasto, the south-west was slightly discovery, which has allowed the observation.

While the astronomer Alberto Quijano Vodniza Mario Rojas and assistance were in the process of balancing a telescope in order to observe Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio, they fell on a celestial body unidentified . "This is a UFO in the sense strict term Unidentified Flying Object, "Quijano said the professor.

But the other inhabitants of Nariño have not been observed. This is a very low gloss body, imperceptible to the human eye even with binoculars. This body

observed coincidentally looked like a cotton ball which emerged two flashes of light.

Source: Santa Fe Stereo
Kenneth Arnold faced skeptics

On June 24, 1947, observation of the famous American businessman Kenneth Arnold on board his plane, opened the era of "saucers fly ". This observation of Arnold, so she does not" conclusive evidence "of the reality of UFOs, remains exemplary because of its quality (it was even quoted in a top-secret military report of December 1948, a year and a half later). That's probably why the skeptics he fought hard to find a prosaic explanation, but never eliminate it. They also wanted to see the first case history of the phenomenon of rumor media, which remains one of the classic arguments for the purely "psycho-sociological" about UFOs. Some of these criticisms against Arnold are burlesque and the story deserves to be briefly told. In this regard, the official explanation of the U.S. Air Force, even today, that Arnold had seen a mirage. So let's see mirage, which was revisited in depth by ... physicist U.S. military.
Tuesday, January 8, Stephenville, Texas, two men were witnessed two UFO sightings spaced about ten minutes. They claim to have seen bright lights in the sky as they watched the sunset. During the second observation, they say they saw fighter jets F16 pursue the UFO.


http://www.ufofu.org/blog/2007/11 / 16/reportage-de-cnn-sur-la-conference-ovni-de-washington /

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f Scsi Driver

UFO Unidentified Flying Object, and more

At this address you will find lots of information about UFOs all this on various video

But you'll also be able searh use or research to research on various films
Example: Star Trek, or suggestions will be presented at your choice.

Caution I have not had time to explore all of this address made a good choice good free movie

I place more direct links, so you - need to copy / paste into your browser


Good video