Astronomy is still currently the domain of the largest scientific investigations at the Pic du Midi. The Centre is affiliated to the Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees. It is a
UFR of University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III).
From the eighteenth century , the summit of the peak is known to be a place for astronomical observations. We know that from 1774, Monge and Arcet climb the Pic to study the atmospheric pressure
Building the observatory began in years 1870 , under the leadership of General Charles Wood Nansouty and Engineering Celestine Vaussenat . The first earthworks summit begins in 1875 . The first premises were completed on September 8 1882 .
By Subsequently, these premises have been greatly supplemented: new terraces, new dome, new residential buildings.
The electricity comes on top in 1949 . Previously, electrical equipment were powered by a battery pack and a generator .
A first cable is dedicated to transport personnel, is installed in
1952 , which can reach the top in any season. In 1959 - 1962 is installed the building interdepartmental activities which includes astronomy, meteorology, television and air navigation.
In 1994 , the State is considering the closure of the observatory. Midi-Pyrenees is mobilized, and creates a joint association for the rehabilitation of the site. The project involves rehabilitation of research facilities and the public opening of part of the site. Thus, the cable car service was replaced by a new gondola that can accommodate the public. Significant work is undertaken from 1996 ; site, in its renewed version, opens in the year 2000 .
In 1905 Baillaud installed the dome, 8 meters in diameter. It is equipped with an equatorial mount mechanics. It houses a bezel and telescope reflector.
In 1946 Mr. Gentilli offers a dome at the observatory and a telescope of 60 cm.
A spectrograph is installed 1958 .
In 1963 the NASA finance the installation of a telescope of 106 cm. It is used to make precise shots of the lunar surface in preparation missions Apollo .
A high tower of 28 m and 2 m in diameter is constructed from 1972 . It is installed away from other buildings, to minimize atmospheric disturbances. In 1980 , it has a 2-m telescope: the telescope Bernard Lyot .
The observatory has a coronagraph , which allows the study of corona .
Other instrument, installed since 1961 , the Coupole Tourelle (renamed John Rösch telescope in 2004 in honor of its creator). This dome has a characteristic shape bezel 50 cm in diameter for the study of Sun (surface imaging, the study granulation ). The instrumentation was completed in 1980 for a spectrograph .
Views on the Sea of Clouds
There are currently at the top:
telescope of 55 cm (Robley dome);
telescope of 60 cm (T60 dome, welcoming amateur astronomers through the Association T60);
telescope of 106 cm (dome Gentilli) dedicated to the observations of solar system ;
The telescope of 2 m Telescope Bernard Lyot (spectropolarimetry using instruments and MUSICOS NARVAL)
The coronagraph HACO-CLIMSO (study of the solar corona);
Bezel Jean Rösch (study the solar surface);
legislation include:
Charvin The dome, which housed a photoelectric coronomètre (study of the Sun);
Baillaud The dome, reassigned to the museum in 2000 and housing a 1:1 scale model of coronagraph .
In 1926 - 1927 are installed at the Pic two towers 25 m high, supporting an antenna broadcasting.
A television transmitter is installed 1957 . It began broadcasting on September 14 .
During construction of the building interdepartmental, a new transmitter is installed. It has an antenna of 104 m high (visible in the photo-cons). Emissions beginning in 1963 .
This transmitter broadcasts of FM and television (analogue and now digital ). It serves a large portion of southwestern France, one seventh of the national territory.
Biometrics: Height: 37 to 38 cm - Wingspan: 75 to 79 cm Weight: 170 to 245 g - Longevity: 11 years - Distribution: Occurs in France in the wild. - Status: Breeding sedentary. Protected species
ID: Corvidae common these mountains: the Alps and Pyrenees. A little bigger than a jay, the chough has the body entirely black, a beak curved yellow and legs pink. The beak appears white from a distance. It is readily gregarious . Singing: The cries of chough do not think at first glance a corvid, in fact they resemble the cries, as emerging from acute enough, the skylark. Chough bands are noisy like the bands of jackdaws in the cities. The song corresponds to a chirp. Habitat: chough beak yellow living in the mountains above the remaining forests and up 4000 m altitude. However, in winter it makes a migration altitudinal and closer to home human. Behaviors: This corvid live band throughout the year and leads the alpine and snow in our mountains. The bird is not shy. Species sedentary. Flight: The chough beak yellow moves in large flocks taking advantage of thermals. It hovers much enjoying rapid air movements and acrobatic flight is rich in all kinds . Nesting: The nest is built in the rocks with coarse material like twigs, but also with plant debris (leaves, roots ...). Often nests in colonies . The female lays a single egg annual 4 oeufs.L incubation ensured only by the female, lasts 17 to 21 days. Scheme: The scheme is almost the chough omnivorous : insects , spiders, worms, snails, fruit ... It is opportunistic at leisure and enjoy heaps of garbage for food.
Biometrics: Height: 15 to 18 cm Wingspan: 18 cm Weight: 40 g Distribution: Occurs in France in the wild.
Status: Breeding sedentary. migratory. wintering. Protected species
Identification: The Alpine Accentor is a small gray bird with red streaked flanks. Bigger and colorful than its cousin dunnock. The size of a lark the belly is gray-brown with red spots on flanks. The head, neck and front part of the breast are gray. The most distinctive sign is provided readable by the white spot of the gorge, clearly delineated and marbled with black lines. The male and female have the same color. Young people have a spotless gray throat, the rest of the body reddish yellow with brown longitudinal lines very tight.
Song: Twitter for a sustained and melodic rock trri - truuui -. Hiss sometimes recalling the skylark.
Habitat: Alpine Accentor is typically a bird of mountain. It nests above the tree line, most often in the mountains, rocky slopes and in gullies with sparse vegetation between 1800 and 4000 meters. In winter, it gets lower elevations, searching the grassy areas with low vegetation, the edges of fields and human settlements even as the winter sports resorts. Behaviors: If heavy snow, they descend into the plains and spend the winter in places not too far from their areas nesting . We can say the Alpine Accentor it's a bird partially migratory , which descends from the mountains around October or November and returns in April. The song the Alpine Accentor is reminiscent of the lark, and the male sings most often remaining on the ground. This bird is not at all shy, and it is easy to approach even a few steps. This trait occurs in birds living in areas where the man appeared not long ago. Nesting: The nest is always well hidden in the crevices of rock, lava flow and less often under a boulder or a bush in the pastures, and explore demand great efforts. We sometimes found in retaining walls of mountain chalets. Nest building is very rudimentary, and is often completely undone when removed from a crevice. The outer layer is made of dry grass, through consists of foam, and filling the hollow of dry grass, roots and hairs. The nesting season lasts long enough, the middle of the month from May to July, and some pairs nest twice a year. The brood consists of three to five eggs one color. The parents take turns hatching during a fortnight. To feed the young, they disgorge their food in the crop , as they are in the nest, then they give them insects or small invertebrates. The chicks fledge at the age of fourteen to sixteen days. It was found that in general it has fewer birds that fly the nest of eggs laid on average one to three Plan: In the course of their young age, are Accentor almost exclusively insectivorous , but as they grow, they gradually add to their diet of grass seeds and other plants. In summer, adults feed mainly insects and their larvae at different stages of development, but also spiders, to a lesser extent, seeds and berries. When comes the cold season, Accentor congregate near the mountain cabins and eat in landfills. --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Pic du Midi (Official Site)
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