Did you know?
Landes is in the first that Francis, King of France,
married religiously
second wife, Eleanor of Habsburg, said Eleanor Austria, elder sister of Emperor Charles V and widow of King Emmanuel of Portugal
very brief history: 1st is so powerful rival of Charles V, king of Spain, Sicily and Naples by his mother Joan the Mad, and
heir of the Holy Roman Empire, Austria, Netherlands, Flanders, Artois and Franche-Comte possessions of the Habsburgs. Taken prisoner at the defeat of Pavia in 1525 during the wars of Italy, King of France remained in detention in Spain to sign a humiliating treaty of Madrid January 14, 1526, by which he must renounce all claims to Italy, Flanders and Artois, and deliver the duchy of Burgundy to the Emperor Charles Quint.
Widow of Claude de France, he must, under that same treaty, to marry the elder sister of Charles V., aged twenty-eight years and widow of the wealthy in recent years
King Emmanuel of Portugal 1
The engagement was held in the king's chamber and then ill prisoner in the castle of Madrid, then the marriage is ratified at the castle of Illescas
The reluctance King of France to sign and abide by the terms imposed, then the circumstances and events that follow bring the two enemies to leave Margaret of Austria, aunt of the Emperor, and Louise of Savoy, mother of the king, to negotiate a new Treaty signed at Cambrai August 3, 1529, known as the "Paix des Dames" designed to reconcile the two sovereigns. By ratifying it, Charles Quint Charles Quint waives Burgundy wishing to remain French, and François 1er waives Artois, Flanders and his views on Italy.
This new treaty however, maintains the commitment of marriage of the king of France with the sister of the powerful King of Spain, in order to pacify their relations
by an alliance of families Francois 1er is then released, but should challenge hostage his two young son, the dauphin Francis of Anjou, and Henry of France, the future Henry II, who are held captive and in ensuring the execution of treaty provisions, including paying a large ransom.
The protracted negotiations and maneuvers and the term assigned approaching, Francois de La Tour, vicomte Turenne was sent to Spain in early 1530, to marry Queen Eleanor on behalf of his master. The marriage is solemnized by proxy Sunday, March 20 at Torrelaguna in Castile by the archbishop of Toledo
"Item, agreed and granted the marriage of the said Lord King and Mrs. Eleanor, queen of Portugal douaigier, sor aisnée said Lord Emperor, granted by said traixté of Madril, fulfillment; ... .... And after, for and been completed on ycelluy consumption, it will be conducted in France in the same instant issuance mesdits lords of the dauphin and the Duke of Orleans. "
left Portugal, and joined the children Queen to attend the meeting of François 1st come to Bordeaux. It
approach Bayonne and Dax, and arrived July 4, 1530 at Tartas to house the castle in which it is received by the King of Navarre, while François 1 st
overlapping Captieux.où it to the layer evening, 5.After asking the Duke Anne de Montmorency, Grand Master of France, accompanying the queen from the boarder, to provide housing thereof between Mont-de-Marsan and Roquefort, he announced that
" Wednesday the next day, he would find himself in an abbey named Verrieres, two leagues away from the city Mont-de-Marsan, who is Aussy to the said King of Navarre and invite to join him for bed. (Abbey named after the authors Bery, Bayres, Verin Veyen ...)
Marriage Fast and discreet
Clearly the proud François 1 st
want a wedding without a bang, more minimal and unobtrusive. This union is imposed that policy, and indeed remains the symbol of his defeat. This is neither in Bordeaux or Bayonne or even Mont-de-Marsan but in a hidden place that invites its future wife. This place, he knows since his return from Spain
4 years earlier. Having stopped in Mont-de-Marsan in late March 1526, there had met his cousin Marguerite d'Albret, who headed the abbey of Poor Clares. No doubt had she mentioned this small convent Beyries, almost abandoned and lost in the countryside and the forest of Saint Laurent Fraximon Auranet near the town of Frêche. Moreover, his sister Marguerite, who became queen of Navarre, Mont de Marsan will and the convent of Poor Clares, his "hermitage."
The next day, early morning, after hearing mass, litter the queen hackneys the princes, and escort the procession set off for Mont-de- Marsan. The will join the Cardinal de Bourbon, Cardinal de Lorraine and his brother, the Duke of Guise, Count of Saint Pol and a troop of gentlemen in their company. A contemporary chronicler, material witness (some Sébastien Moreau, responsible for the contribution of the clergy of the Limousin in the king's ransom) , said that the procession of the queen was received at the castle of Mont-de-Marsan by the King of Navarre to 13h for dinner, then "... the
e quite ready, after 4 hours ago approuch, mounted their horses and went to take the path of that abbey Verrières to go find the King "
All this world is hosted in the vicinity.
They say it is in the fortified house or "room" of Tampoy
home strong Tampoy In fact, François 1 st
C ' is tomorrow morning, Thursday, July 7, that the ceremony must take place Bridal couple in front of dignitaries, including Jean de la Barre, the provost of Paris, but the impatient king wants to end, so there is method in the middle of the night.
, and when the bishop said maried, and went and after put a table for dinner "and aprez retired together to make fun of marriage with each other, I do not decipher the otherwise suggesting to readers and listeners," adds the chronicler
the bed and was ready when they slept together "
what remained of the Abbey a few years ago Beyries
(photo taken from Bull. Borda Society 1979)
"The next day, Thursday seventh day of July, after dinner, left the said Abbey Stained prinrent the road to town and city Bazas " (they should avoid because of plague)
C is Roquefort, where they lodge in the evening, that both spouses appear for the first time together before the people of France. From there, the procession to join earn BordeauxLouise de Savoie and Marguerite de Navarre, mother and elder sister of the king.
Queen Eleanor
It will be treated with respect but also indifference by her husband who prefers the young and beautiful Anne Pisseleu, maid of honor of his mother, he knows
and frequent
since return from Spain, and he has his mistress, the favorite and Duchess of Etampes.
Cleared, this queen
will have no political role as an intermediary with the Habsburgs which it is derived. Catholic rejected by his beautiful sister Marguerite de Navarre, also rejected by the new King Henry II to the death of his father,
she leaves the court then will retire in Spain with his brother, leaving no trace in the history of France.
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